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TX Intelligence Implements Flood Monitoring and Early Warning Solution for SINAPROC

In an unprecedented collaborative effort TX Intelligence, a subsidiary of Grupo TX, has joined forces with AWS and the National Civil Protection System of Panama (SINAPROC) to address a critical challenge facing communities along the river basin Juan Díaz: the risk of devastating river floods.

This basin, which covers approximately 322 square kilometers and contains seven rivers that flow through the districts of Panama and San Miguelito before emptying into Panama Bay, has become increasingly susceptible to catastrophic flooding.

Factors such as rapid urban growth and climate change have exacerbated the vulnerability of this region, resulting in significant material losses and, most regrettably, loss of human life.

innovative flood monitoring and early warning system, taking into consideration both environmental factors and historical data. Specifically, we have placed a special focus on protecting mangroves, vital ecosystems that act as natural barriers against flooding and are fundamental to the region's biodiversity.

In this article, we will explain the challenges faced at the device and implementation level of the solution, describe the key technologies used, including the LoRaWAN low-power wide area network, and outline the tangible and intangible benefits that our solution has brought to the communities at risk.

Context and Identified Needs

In collaboration with SINAPROC, we identified the urgent need for a system capable of monitoring the conditions of rivers and hydrographic basins in real time. This system also had to be versatile enough to integrate data from climate prediction models, allowing the issuance of early warnings in cases of potential flooding. There was the additional challenge of having to install devices in difficult-to-access areas, some of which are at altitudes greater than 700 meters above sea level and lack basic services such as electricity and cellular signal.

LoRaWAN: The Network Technology of Choice

LoRaWAN, or "Low Energy Wide Area Network", is a communication protocol under the LPWAN standard that stands out for its low energy consumption and its ability to transmit information over long distances. It works using LoRa radio frequency technology, operating in a free band spectrum. Its resistance to interference and efficient battery consumption make it ideal for applications in remote and challenging environments.

Advantages and Applicability

Adopting LoRaWAN-based IoT devices offers several key advantages:

  • Remote Location: LoRaWAN's ability to transmit data over long distances allowed us to deploy devices in remote and geographically challenging areas.

  • Energy Efficiency: Given their low battery consumption, the devices can operate for long periods without the need for an external power source, significantly reducing maintenance costs and complications.

  • Reliable Transmission: The robustness of the protocol guarantees interference-resistant data transmission, which is crucial for the reliability of early warnings.

Multichannel Alert System.

We implement a robust notification system that allows various stakeholders, from government authorities to local residents, to be notified through multiple channels such as phone calls, SMS and emails.

Real-Time Monitoring: The SINAPROC Dashboard

One of the most significant milestones of the project was the creation of a dashboard for SINAPROC, allowing real-time monitoring of all critical metrics. This dashboard not only facilitates real-time monitoring but also allows for retrospective analysis of historical data, which is invaluable for continuous system improvement.

The project has proven to be a milestone in preventing natural disasters and promoting sustainability. Interdisciplinary collaboration and the adoption of advanced technologies have contributed significantly to the success of the project. The implementation of LoRaWAN and integration with AWS IoT Core has enabled efficient monitoring and early warnings in flood-prone areas, which has had a direct impact on the safety of communities and the preservation of ecosystems.

Next steps

The project offers many opportunities for improvement and growth with which TX Intelligence seeks to continue contributing to the improvement of Panama's technological infrastructure.

  • Expanding Monitored Environmental Parameters: Already established LoRaWAN network infrastructure offers an excellent opportunity to expand monitoring to other environmental indicators, such as watershed air and water quality.

  • Incorporation of Local Communities: Strategies will be developed so that the community can receive alerts in a more accessible and timely manner. This will include integration with popular messaging platforms such as WhatsApp, the creation of specific mobile applications for the alert system, and the implementation of georeferenced alerts. These georeferenced alerts will allow alert messages to be personalized based on the citizen's exact location, providing more relevant and accurate information. The objective is to ensure that residents in risk areas are informed in real time through the most effective and convenient channels for them.

  • Third-Party Data Integration: Plans to incorporate data and alerts from trusted external sources, such as NASA and landslide warning systems, to enrich the early warning model.

  • Continuous Improvement of the AI ​​Model: With more data and experiences, the artificial intelligence model will be fine-tuned to provide increasingly earlier and more accurate alerts.

  • Inter-institutional and Multi-sector Collaboration: More alliances will be sought with public and private entities for more holistic data collection and more effective alerts.

  • Monitoring of Other Natural Disasters: The existing platform could be adapted to monitor other types of natural disasters, such as forest fires, earthquakes as well as landslides.

  • Education and Public Awareness: Implementation of educational campaigns to raise awareness about environmental risks and the importance of community preparedness.

  • Continuous Evaluation and Feedback: Mechanisms will be established to evaluate the effectiveness of the system and collect feedback for future improvements.

  • Geographic Expansion to Other Basins and Data Sharing: With the successful implementation in the Juan Díaz River basin, it is planned to expand the system to other hydrographic basins. Not only will it expand the scope and impact of the project, but the data generated in these new basins could be shared to enrich analysis and improve the accuracy of warnings in all areas covered. This collaborative and data-driven approach will enable better adaptation and response to changing environmental and climate challenges.

  • By addressing these next steps, the project will not only strengthen its effectiveness in flood prevention but also expand to address a broader range of environmental and community challenges.

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